
If you managed to stumble upon my little portfolio site, Hello & Welcome!

My name is Kayla Wiest and I am a front-web developer who is a few year into the programming scene.

I am a girl coder from the small town of Nelson, British Columbia, who has left for be big city of Toronto, Ontario to explore my path as a programmer. This site is dedicated as a quick overview of my various project I have had the pleasure to work on and to showcase how my coding skills evolves and grows over time. But that is not all…

I want to make this site a archive of my grand adventure into web programming. To chart the path I have taken from where I started to where I am going and to share this exploration with others, especially with those who feel a little overwhelmed with how vast the coding world is (heaven knows I have). There are so many ideas, projects, and resources I wish to create and share with you but for now I start by creating a space to house it all (this site!).

I am going on an adventure!

So take a gander around to see whats new with me and be sure to check back for more coding adventures.